Keeping it Cool: Mining Bitcoin in Space
Soft-Fork/Covenant Dependent Layer 2 Review
Over Half of Replace-by-Fee-Rate Replacements Are Mined
One-Shot Replace-by-Fee-Rate
V3 Transactions Review
V3 Transactions Are Still Vulnerable To Transaction Pinning
Drivechains: A Detailed Analysis
Full-RBF testing: ≥31% of hash power, ≥4 pools, are mining full-RBF
Why You Should Run Full-RBF On Your Node
Why Full-RBF Makes DoS Attacks on Multiparty Protocols Significantly More Expensive
At Least 17% of Bitcoin Core v24.x Nodes Are Running Full-RBF
Surprisingly, Tail Emission Is Not Inflationary
Stamp/Beacon Trees for Secure, Precise, Trusted Timestamping and Clock Synchronization
Scalable Semi-Trustless Asset Transfer via Single-Use-Seals and Proof-of-Publication
Bitcoin Mining in Space Isn't Practical Yet, But It Is Hard Sci-Fi
The Misleading and Inaccurate Claims Made to Tierion ICO Investors
What you need to know about the Tierion Network Token / Chainpoint ICO
SHA1 Is Broken, But It's Still Good Enough for OpenTimestamps
How OpenTimestamps 'Carbon Dated' (almost) The Entire Internet With One Bitcoin Transaction
Preventing Consensus Fraud with Commitments and Single-Use-Seals
Cypherpunk Desert Bus: My Role In The 2016 Zcash Trusted Setup Ceremony
Defensive Patent License Offer
Solving the PGP Revocation Problem with OpenTimestamps for Git Commits
Do Multiple Implementations Make Ethereum More Reliable?
OpenTimestamps: Scalable, Trust-Minimized, Distributed Timestamping with Bitcoin
Progress On Hardfork Proposals Following The Segwit Blocksize Increase
Block Publication Incentives For Miners
Segwit Code Review Update
Code Review: The Consensus Critical Parts of Segwit
The Ethereum DAO Bailout Needs A Coin Vote
Closed Seal Sets and Truth Lists for Better Privacy and Censorship Resistance
Building Blocks of the State Machine Approach to Consensus
Talks: BlockchainLab.it Dex/Proofchains, Bitcoin Arnhem, and Bitcoin Dev Workshop
Dev Update: CoreDev Zurich meetup
Making UTXO Set Growth Irrelevant With Low-Latency Delayed TXO Commitments
Dev Report - Chain Anchor, Satoshi Drama, and GitHub
MIT ChainAnchor - Bribing Miners to Regulate Bitcoin
Consensus Critical Voting Considerations
BTCC Funding, Development Report, and Hard-Forks
Are Wallets Ready For Opt-In Replace-by-Fee?
Forced Soft Forks
Soft Forks Are Safer Than Hard Forks
Why Scaling Bitcoin With Sharding Is Very Hard
What the CoinWallet.eu tx-flood stress-test means for you and how to deal with it
Setting the record straight on Proof-of-Publication
Push-Button Random Number Generator
Tree Chains Preliminary Summary
Disentangling Crypto-Coin Mining: Timestamping, Proof-of-Publication, and Validation
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